North Central Chapter
Health Physics Society
Fall Meeting Agenda
September 26, 2003
Earle Brown Center
University of Minnesota – St. Paul Campus, St. Paul, MN

8:00 Registration
8:30 Welcome, Recognition of Vendors – Irene Patrek, President-elect NCCHPS Opening remarks – Craig Moody, Director University Health & Safety, U of M
8:45 Environmental Benefits of Nuclear Power – John D. Parkyn, Chairman of the Board and CEO, Private Fuel Storage LLC
9:30 Looking at LNT from the “Other Side” – Ray Guilmette, PhD, CHP, President-Elect Health Physics Society, Los Alamos National Lab, Los Alamos, NM
10:15 Break/vendors
10:45 International Radiation Protection Association – Richard Vetter, PhD, HPS President Emeritus and Nominating Committee, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
11:00 International Atomic Energy Agency – Ken Kerns, NCCHPS Councilor, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
11:30 Lunch and Business Meeting – Brian Vetter, President NCCHPS, U of M, Minneapolis MN,   Science Teacher Award – Cynthia Horn, NCCHPS, Maple Grove, MN

Wissink Memorial Lecturer: The Human Capital Crisis – Kevin L. Nelson, PhD, HPS Finance Committee and Board of Directors, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL.

2:00 Tour of Cargill facility – Brian Vetter, President NCCHPS, U of M, Minneapolis MN
2:30 Break/vendors
3:00 Status of Nuclear Power Industry in Minnesota and the US.  Update on gas vs. nuclear – Leonard Sueper, Nuclear Management Company
3:30 Supporting the Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program – Ken Kerns, NCCHPS Councilor, Iowa State University, Ames, IA and Jim McCloskey, Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Homeland Security Emergency Management, St. Paul, MN

A very special thanks to our Affiliate Sponsors!!
ICN Dosimetry, F & J Specialties and Hi-Q Environmental